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Continuous measurements of physicochemical variables made in shallow waters at around 6 m water depth of the Baltic Sea using two autonomous lander systems. Water velocity measurements are provided that were used for publication: "Autonomous high-resolution multi-parameter investigation of shallow coastal waters: variability and drivers of CO2 and CH4 (in prep)" (Version 1.0)

Pönisch, Daniel L.; Holtermann, Peter

Contributor(s): Rehder, Gregor [DataCurator]

This directory contains the data from water velocity measurements that took place on the German Baltic Sea coast in the autumn of 2019 and are associated with multi-parameter investigations of greenhouse gas distribution dynamics in shallow waters which were performed with autonomous lander systems.Water velocities were measured at around 6 m water depth at the position `lander 1´ using an upward-facing acoustic current profiler (Signature 1000 instrument). The high-resolution data on physicochemical measurements can be found under:


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