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Gotland Basin Experiment (GOBEX): Status Report on Investigations concerning Benthic Processes, Sediment Formation and Accumulation
Contributor(s): Emeis, Kay-Christian [Editor]; Struck, Ulrich [Editor]
Abstract. GOBEX (Gotland Basin Experiment) was initiated in 1993 as a multidisciplinary experiment to investigate the oceanographic, chemical, biological and sedimentological situation in the Eastern Gotland Basin of the Baltic. The first task force studied aspects of hydrography in the Eastern Gotland Sea. The second task force defined the Eastern Gotland Basin as a depositional end-member in the dynamic physical environment of the Baltic Sea and aimed to clarify pathways of materials, modifications and processes in the sediment accumulation area. These aims included the initial identification of mass fluxes of natural and anthropogenie substances, evaluation of transport processes, biological and geochemical processes, and sampling short (<200 years) and long (>1000 years) sedimentary records to hindcast historical and geological environments. The present volume collects results obtained by participants of the second task force of GOBEX and is a complementary publication to the volume published by the hydrographic task force (HAGEN, 1996). After field work began in 1994, a considerable number of publications have appeared that are related to GOBEX. Many of these publications have appeared in or have been submitted to international journals that are reluctant to publish data tables. The first purpose of this volume thus is to document these analytical data in the form of data reports. The second purpose is to gather information that may be of value to the Baltic Sea scientific community in future studies, but is difficult to publish in international journals. This type of data includes, among others, maps, seismic records, details of dating efforts, core descriptions and core logs of physical properties. Many of the contributions of this latter category are bare-bone data reports that may contain preliminary and as yet unpublished data. We believe that their publication is in the spirit of GOBEX and we trust that any external users will contact the originators for advice on data quality and that due credit will be given to the scientists who have made them available in preliminary form.
Kay-Christian Emeis und Ulrich Struck (Editors): Gotland Basin Experiment (GOBEX): Status Report on Investigations concerning Benthic Processes, Sediment Formation and Accumulation. Meereswiss. Ber., Warnemünde, 34 (1998), doi:10.12754/msr-1998-0034