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Abschätzung der biogeochemischen Umsetzung, Sedimentation und Resuspension von Phosphorverbindungen in der Unterwarnow für Flusseinträge in die Ostsee (Version 1.0)

PhosWaM Technical Report AP1.1b

Neumann, Daniel

Abstract. In the PhosWaM project, simulations were carried out on the turnover of phosphorus compounds in the Oberwarnow River and in the Baltic Sea. The phosphorus inputs from the river modeling should have been used as input data for the Baltic Sea modeling. However, the Oberwarnow does not flow directly into the Baltic Sea but, first, into the Unterwarnow and from there into the Baltic Sea. The Unterwarnow is an estuarine water body in which water masses from the Oberwarnow mix with water masses from the Baltic Sea. Conventional river models cannot be used for the Unterwarnow. At the same time, the Unterwarnow is too small to be spatially resolved by the selected Baltic Sea model. Therefore, it was necessary to estimate the biogeochemical transformation and the physical sedimentation-resuspension processes of phosphorus compounds in the Unterwarnow. Two useful estimations based on measurement campaigns of other work packages in PhosWaM are presented in this report.


Neumann, D. (2019). Abschätzung der biogeochemischen Umsetzung, Sedimentation und Resuspension von Phosphorverbindungen in der Unterwarnow. PhosWaM Technical Report AP1.1b. Leibniz-Institut für Ostseeforschung Warnemünde, Rostock, Deutschland. DOI: 10.12754/misc-2019-0002.


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