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Climate Change in the Baltic Sea

2021 Fact Sheet

Helsinki Commission - HELCOM

Abstract. This document is part of the flagship publication series of HELCOM, the Baltic Sea Environment Proceedings (BSEP) that have been running since the entry into force of the first Helsinki Convention in 1980. Although this document has been approved for publication by the members of the Helsinki Commission, views expressed in this publication are the authors’ own and might vary from those of the Helsinki Commission or its members. Any maps that are featured in this publication are intended for illustration purposes only and do not necessarily designate the exact boundaries of sovereign states and entities.The development of this publication was steered by the Joint HELCOM/Baltic Earth Expert Network on Climate Change (EN CLIME).


Climate Change in the Baltic Sea. 2021 Fact Sheet. Baltic Sea Environment Proceedings n°180. HELCOM/Baltic Earth 2021.


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